How do I clean my dishwasher?

Many women think that the dishwasher does not need cleaning because its main job is to clean the dishes and cups, but this is not true because the dirt and fats that are evident are deposited and stuck in the washing machine.
So, my lady, you must take care and clean your dishwasher so that it does not break down. To help you with this, we’ve looked at the best steps for cleaning dishwashers.

How to clean the dishwasher?

Vinegar and yeast method

When you want to clean the dishwasher, let us make the process from the outside to the inside to start cleaning it from the outside by using a towel and a mixture of water and vinegar, soak the towel with the mixture, and wipe the outside of the dishwasher, then if there are hard-to-reach places you can use a toothbrush to reach it, spray four to two A spoon of yeast at the bottom of the washing machine and leave it for the next day, after that, you will use the toothbrush to rub the inside parts with yeast, as you do when cleaning the filter or water sources and as such after you are finished clean the inside with lukewarm water with a mixture of water and vinegar mix them Together and use them to clean the interior after you are finished, run the washer on the rinse cycle.

Vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar is one of the ingredients that have many different uses, such as cooking, killing weeds, the most important of which is its high quality in cleaning the house and surfaces and sterilizing them, but vinegar is considered one of the important detergents that are used in cleaning the dishwasher, and to increase its effectiveness in cleaning.

we will add baking soda to get the gold mine for cleaning in the following way:

Take out the washer filter and soak it in soap and water for ten minutes, then put a cup of vinegar at the bottom of the washing machine and run it on the heaviest cleaning cycle.

When the washing machine stops, sprinkle baking soda at the bottom of the washing machine and leave it for the next day, then run the washing machine again on the highest cleaning cycle, when this cycle ends, it becomes a clean and smelling washing machine again.

Bleach method

Bleach or hypochlorite is what is called sodium hypochlorite, and all types of bleaches are made of it and it is a harmful and destructive substance to stainless steel. If your washing machine inside is made of this material, do not use this method to clean your washing machine.

The reason why some people use bleach is its effectiveness in eliminating mold, you can use it by filling a cup to three-quarters of it, then put the cap on the top shelf of the dishwasher and run it on the hottest possible cycle, to get rid of the mold and its annoying smell.

The magic mixture of baking soda

We mentioned the use of baking soda previously, but this method is entertaining and its results are very impressive, you will definitely follow it whenever necessary.

Here is the method:

In a large bowl, mix two cups of baking soda, three tablespoons of peroxide hydrogen, and twenty drops of any kind of aromatic oil, then mix the ingredients well until you get a mixture with a wet and sandy texture.

Using the ice cream scoop, form balls of the mixture and leave it until the next day until it dries completely.

Before starting the dishwasher cleaning process, make sure that the filter of the dishwasher is clean and does not contain any deposits.

Mix two cups of vinegar and one tablespoon of dishwasher detergent in a bowl and put it on the top shelf of the washing machine. Place the dry magic mixture of baking soda at the bottom of the washing machine, then turn the washing machine on and prepare to witness the true meaning of cleanliness.

How to clean a dishwasher filter?

The process of making sure that the filter at the bottom of the dishwasher is clean is something that must be done once a month at least. Run one cycle of the dishwasher while it is empty on the heavy system, then leave it for two minutes and then open it and add a cup of vinegar and then leave it to complete the program that was previously set. You should do this process monthly to keep your dishwasher clean and efficient.

Things that you can clean with a dishwasher

You may be surprised by the things that can be cleaned by the dishwasher, in addition to dirty dishes and cooking utensils. The dishwasher is able to clean more than that. Enjoy more than that is what I will mention in the following:

You can put sink mixers, shower caps, door handle covers, as well as toys for children that are still signing, which requires great attention to keep it clean, in addition to a kitchen sponge, things like these, and more. You can take advantage of the dishwasher to clean it and do this each month before the cleaning process for the dishwasher. Do not share these items With the dishes in one cycle to maintain the utmost cleanliness of the dishes, you can put the items in place of the dishes and make sure that they are well fixed and after the end of the cycle for these things follow the previous steps to clean the dishwasher.

Final words

There are many women who think that the dishwasher does not need cleaning; The reason for this is due to the main task of this washing machine, which is to clean, but it is quite the opposite. As it is highly susceptible to the accumulation of dirt, bacteria, oils, and sediments in it, and here, care must be taken to clean it periodically in order to protect your dishwasher for a long time.


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