Houseplants – the most aesthetic and fresh species

Houseplants - the most aesthetic and fresh species

There are many benefits that plants bring to the home, both aesthetically and emotionally, so inhaling the fresh air and the aesthetic accompanying the plant are two compelling enough reasons to push you towards bringing it. In any case, it is difficult to know which types of indoor plants suit your home the most and what are the optimal conditions for each type of them, but it is certain that natural plants are more beautiful and attractive than artificial ornamental trees. In this article, we will seek to mention the most important types of indoor plants, i.e. types of ornamental plants and shade plants in the home…

This type of plant is considered one of the most common indoor plants in terms of use, as its lush green leaves give a glamorous atmosphere to any room. The leaves of this plant prefer a warm climate away from sunlight and benefit from regular cleaning with a soft, damp cloth. It is known that such a plant will be harmed by excessive watering, as this may harm the roots and lead to yellowing and wilting. To achieve the best results, this plant should enjoy minimal moisture conditions and avoid unnatural cooling and heat. It is worth noting that this plant is considered a climbing plant in natural conditions, so it is preferable to provide a stand or a wedge for it in the case of domestic use.

Peace lily

The peace lily plant has long been recognized as a popular houseplant, especially after it was ranked by the US space agency NASA as one of the best air-purification options. It is also distinguished by its dark green leaves and beautiful white flowers that grow to a length of 45 to 65 cm. On the other hand, this tropical plant is distinguished by its thriving in an environment with bright, indirect lighting, and it is able to withstand light lighting. The peace lily needs watering at least once a week during the warm months and less often in the winter. This plant does not prefer moist soil due to the risk of root rot. It is important to make sure that this plant is kept away from pets or children who may face an imminent danger when chewing it, as the plant is toxic and it exposes those who swallow it to severe health problems. The plant also has the advantage of being low in nutrition, as you can use the fertilizer in a cup and mix it with the soil once a season.

Devil’s Ivy’s Love

It is considered a fast-growing plant that is easy to adapt to any situation in the home, whether it is placed in baskets or in a glass container, as this plant is characterized by being beautiful in appearance and inexpensive in comparison to its quality. Its waxy leaves that take the shape of hearts are spotted in white and green, and the most important thing is that they do not need regular fertilizer, and all that is required is watering once a week. Summer and spring are the best seasons for pruning and propagation. The cuttings are placed in a glass bowl of water to strengthen the roots.

Houseplants - the most aesthetic and fresh species

Bid farewell to Mass Cane

This plant is popular in office circles due to its harsh nature. It usually grows from 1.2 to 1.8 meters in height with its long stems and green leaves punctuated by light yellow bands. This plant is an excellent choice if you are looking for a bulky plant, not to mention that it calls for a spot with soft lighting. This plant needs to be watered once a week, and it is important to note that this plant is considered toxic to dogs and cats if you are a fan of raising pets.

Bamboo or lucky plant

This green plant gives a special kind of aesthetic to the room. It lives in all parts of Asia, Africa, and North America. It also does not need fertilization and can live in water.

Orchid indoor plants

This is one of the masterpieces of houseplants par excellence, as it is characterized by its white, pink, purple, and yellow colors. It is native to Southeast Asia and northern Australia, and its types abound, but the most important feature that distinguishes it is its thick leaves, very green, and its luscious flowers!

Lavender indoor plants

The lavender plant is characterized by its beautiful aroma and attractive violet flowers, this plant is native to France and the western Mediterranean basin. It is also present in Saudi Arabia on a large scale, from Taif to the Sarawat mountain range, in the south of the Kingdom.

White sails plant

This shrub belongs to the family of taro and is considered one of the indoor ornamental trees with enigmatic green leaves and large, as it produces small white flowers carried on a thin stalk. This plant needs light to medium light, not to mention that it thrives in warm and humid climates, and in the spring it blooms small flowers that stick to white leaves, so they must be cut from the bottom to encourage them to bloom again.


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