How to cover scratches in wooden furniture?

How to cover scratches in wooden furniture

Wooden furniture can be beautiful and practical, but it needs a certain amount of care, to keep it looking its best. We present how to fix scratches in wooden furniture as scratches can accumulate on pieces of furniture with continuous use, learning how to fix these small defects, it is essential To take care of your wooden furniture, we guide you through this article on the main steps in learning how to cover scratches on furniture.

Tools and materials needed

Tea envelop.

Hot water.

An appropriate amount of instant coffee.

Colorful wax box.

Wax pens.

A putty knife or scraper.

Soft cloth.

A piece of steel wool.

A little dishwashing liquid.

How to fix scratches in wooden furniture?

1- Cleaning wooden furniture

Before you start learning how to fix scratches in wooden furniture, you should know that the furniture is supposed to be clean, so prepare a solution by adding a small amount of dishwashing soap with warm water, and dip a clean and new cloth in the cleaning solution, and rub the area gently to remove all the grease, dirt, oil stains, then let the wood dry for a period of time, or dry it with a dry cloth before beginning the repair.

2- Treating scratches in wood with tea

It can make wood scratches on a piece of furniture look unwanted. Fortunately, fixing the scratches is very easy with a black tea bag, so follow these steps.

Use black, not herbal, or green tea.

Place the bag in a metal bowl with a few tablespoons of hot water.

Leave the teabag in the hot water for 2 to 3 minutes. The longer the tea is brewed, the darker it will be.

So limit the brewing time to match the color of the wooden furniture in which the scratches need to be covered.

We will need the water from the brewing process of the tea, so get a cotton ball and dip it in the evening, then wipe the scratches to cover it.

Then remove the excess water quickly by using a paper towel.

If the wood is dark in color, you may need to apply the tea more than once to get the best results.

3- Treating scratches in furniture with Nescafe

If the scratched household furniture has a dark color, use instant coffee (Nescafe) to cover the scratch. Make a thick paste of coffee granules and water, then rub the paste over the furniture scratches to cover it completely.

How to cover scratches in wooden furniture

4- Cover small scratches with walnut shells

The very small scratches that you can touch can be repaired with a walnut. Crush the husk and grind the nut until it is very smooth, and the oils from the walnut run out of it.

Then rub ground walnut shells over the scratches, and gently rub back and forth along the scratch in the surface of the wood.

The oils in the walnut will naturally fill in the scratched area, and mattify it, adding a finishing touch to the wood.

This technique works well to quickly reduce and hide small furniture imperfections.

5- Fill small surface scratches with wax

If you have a wooden surface covered with many small scratches, you can easily cover them with a paste wax, which is sold in a box, where the wax is applied using a woolen piece.

Apply a little wax to the wool, then apply it to the surface of the wood by means of soft circular motions. This process aims to apply as a thin layer of wax as possible to avoid the appearance of stains.

Leave the wax on the wooden furniture to dry, for a period of at least 30 minutes, and a long time may be required in cold or damp rooms.

Using a soft cloth to polish the surface of the wood, remove excess wax, and add shine to the wood, the wax will cover small surface scratches and reduce their unpleasant appearance.

6- Repair deep scratches with a wax pen

You can buy wax crayons at hardware stores, where they are sold for use in patching deep scratches, wood grommets, and furniture. They are often available in different shades, so you should try to match the wax crayon to the scratch in the wood.

Apply firm pressure along with the deep scratch, while doing this, you must ensure that the wax pencil fills the void in the wax, you may need to perform the application more than once if the scratches are very deep.

When the void is filled with wax, bring a putty knife, or the edge of any card, and run it across the surface of the wood removing any bumps caused by the wax over the scratch.

Leave the wax to dry, then wipe the surface of the wood with a soft cloth.


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